Since I'm not really in the mood for writing, so.. If you demand more details about this band, just. read. Wikipedia. Okay? *winks*
For a sneak peek, I give you a video of one of my favorite tracks from Tokyo Jihen, Kenka Joutou.
And here are my other favorite tracks:
- Shuraba
- Sounan
- Metro
- Himitsu
- (The rest is yours to find out. I'll update later if I find more :p)
Well.. Frankly speaking, it's hard for me to tell the genre of Tokyo Jihen, since their music is kaleidoscopic. Prolly a fusion between rock, jazz, and pop. I don't really know. (fyi, in one of their song entitled Kurumaya-san, it's a fusion between enka and jazz)
Therefore, I recommend you this band, one of Japan's ace. Need to download? Click here to download Kyouiku (1st album), here for Adult (2nd album), here (part I) and here (part II) for Variety (3rd album). Too bad I haven't find the download link for their 4th album, Sports, but if you find one, feel free to let me know :))
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